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Nano Hyaluron Collagen
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• Skin Whitening

• Anti-Wrinkles

• Hair / Scalp Strengthening.

• Bustline Lifting.

Packaging Content: 245g per can (35-servings x 7g)

Scoop included.


Origin: Japan


Unlock your skin’s youth potential and see it spring back with new bounce, glow and radiant vitality. With our 100% made in Japan Collagen Peptide featuring exclusive Kaneka CoQ10, this amazing formula has the ability to whiten skin naturally, strengthen weak hair strands and deeply nourish cells for a lifted bustline.

Product Features

You are wondering why your Skin is aging so badly and quickly.

We found the answer & discovered the solution.

Nano Hyaluron & Collagen is born.

Nano Japan Collagen

By combining 8 of the most advanced ingredients today, with synergistic formulation, the results unbelievable.

Nano Japan Collagen

Every 7g scoop gives you 4,100mg of the 4th generation of Nano Hyaluron Collagen,

combined with 7 other powerful beauty active ingredients! The most complete formulation in the market today.  

Nano Collagen

Nano Hyaluron & Collagen is proven to whiten skin, lift bustline & strengthens hair / scalp naturally. You can finally achieve 3 desires at once.

So versatile you can add to any of your favourite beverage, hot or cold. Non-Fishy. Non-Sweetened. Non-Flavoured.

Nano Hyaluron & Collagen -

Everyday a beautiful day.

Blogger Review


I wish my getting-sagged-boobs can look firmer and more lifted because I wear low-cuts and bikinis often. So I try NANO Royal Jelly together with NANO Collagen daily, and voila, baby skin and firmer bust is the real deal now. Last secret measurement? It’s 4cm bust lifted in 1 month!


由于我经常熬夜,皮肤变得过干,而且毛孔粗大, 无论买了再昂贵的保养品还是粉底都无法解决毛孔粗大问题!再加上严重的黑眼圈和痘疤, 遮瑕膏真的是用了一支又一支。连续服用了NANO Collagen两个星期,痘疤很明显的消了,毛孔也收缩,皮肤完全不干燥,上妆轻而易举更不需遮瑕了!



As I grow older, my busts start to gone out of shape due to often wear of bralletes with not much support. So I started up with NANO Collagen and after 1 month, I’ve noticed that my bust cleavage is getting more noticeable, in fact, my bust line increase 5cm as how it was when I was in college. 


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